Pioneered Laparoscopic & Hysteroscopic Removal of Fibroids in India.
Removed 58 fibroids vaginally from a patient preserving the uterus with successful pregnancy later.
Removed 30 fibroids laparascopically in a patient who seeked Uterus preservation.
Pioneered techniques to reduce bleeding by temporarily occluding Uterine arteries which reduces blood flow to uterus during surgery.
Pioneered safe removal of fibroids with a technique of In Bag Morcellation. Our Centre has ONE OF THE LARGEST SERIES FOR THE SAME IN THE WORLD.
Removed fibroids as large as 25cm laparoscopically and as much as 2.5kg specimen weight with In Bag Morcellation Technique.
Dr. Trivedi’s Total Health Care Centre has done extensive research on fibroids over 30 years. NO BODY UNDERSTANDS FIBROIDS THE WAY WE DO and its not just surgery but intricate genetic & hormonal changes associated.
Note : Our team will assist you for appointment confirmation and payment process